Great Groveland Barefoot Laps Challenge
A nod to the classic barefoot lap endurance contest, the Great Groveland Barefoot Laps Challenge is a test to see who can barefoot the longest around Lake David. The twist: after the second full lap, the boat will decrease speed by 2 mph and continue to decrease speed by 2 mph on every lap until the skier falls.
Up to 25 barefooters will compete in this barefoot endurance contest with all ages divisions for standard and duct tape barefooters.
Competitors will be pulled in a counter-clockwise direction. You get to choose your starting speed, up to 42 mph. After completing two full laps, the boat will reduce speed by 2 mph after each additional lap—until you fall. The two longest runs of the day will advance to a head-to-head final showdown.
HEAD TO HEAD CHAMPION: The two longest timed barefoot runs of the day go head-to-head to name an overall champion.
LONGEST BAREFOOT RUN: The Barefooter with the longest timed barefoot run will win the coveted title.
BEST BAREFOOT START: Given to the best step-off or most creative barefoot start of the day.
BEST CRASH: The name speaks for itself; the most impressive bail of the day takes this award home.
DRESSED TO IMPRESS: An opportunity to barefoot with flair and really make an impression on the crowd.
SLOWEST SPEED: The barefooter who is able to keep barefooting (no butt riding, you must be on your feet) at the slowest speed of the competition.

Lock in your spot to compete in the Great Groveland Barefoot Laps Challenge.